Photo Credit: EPNAC
The Foundation was pleased to sponsor the attendance of twenty-five Sidney B. Williams, Jr. Scholars at the Annual Meeting of the American Intellectual Property Law Association. The AIPLA Annual Meeting is currently one of two major patent bar association events for which the Foundation sponsors Scholars desiring to attend. The other is the Annual Meeting of the Section on Intellectual Property Law of the American Bar Association.
Left to Right- Dianara Ramirez, Stephanie Vega, Mariela Cisco, Jefferson Toro, Catalina Medrano, Aaron Chow, Victoria Fang, Kester Coutinho, Yungjee Kim, Annabeth Foley, Jaylon Carr, Christine Huang, Timon Amirani, Paulyna Garcia, Samuel Kim, Daniel Mendoza, Connie Li, Gloria Ren, Abhinav Garg, Twinkle Tharwala, Sandeep Stanley and Miracle Orji

This year's AIPLA Annual was another success, with over 20 scholars in attendance! Our amazing scholars were recognized at both Keynote Luncheons and had the opportunity to see Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office Kathi Vidal’s keynote address.
The scholars also attended many informational sessions, receptions and they met our Foundation for Advancement of Diversity in IP Law Trustees at the Board meeting. Our scholars also got a chance to meet Ann Mueting, AIPLA's new President, and Honorable Judge Pauline Newman at the Dinner Celebration!

Photo Credit: EPNAC
Here, the Sidney B. Williams, Jr. scholars are at the Opening Night Reception.
(Photo to the left) Left to Right: Aaron Chow, Christine Huang, Paulyna Garcia and Daniel Mendoza
(Photo on the bottom) Left to Right: Victoria Fang, Christine Huang, Sandeep Stanley, Twinkle Tharwala, Daniel Mendoza, Dianara Ramirez, Jaylon Carr, Catalina Medrano, Kester Coutinho

In addition, Sharon Israel, our new FADIPL President, was passed the torched by outgoing FADIPL President Keisha Hylton-Rodic! And Lauren Pittman and Jerome Miller, were awarded the AIPLA Past President award and the Jan Jancin Award, respectively.
Overall the conference was a great success.We are so proud and happy our scholars got the most of it and became more entrenched in the IP community. We look forward to welcoming our scholars at the next Annual Meeting as well as at other IP association meetings.